TLDsCHINA is China's most trusted online provider, offering all the services you need to grow online — from world-class web hosting to great value domain names, effective web design and online marketing services.
TLDsCHINA is headquartered in Shanghai, with branch offices located in Beijing, Hongkong, Xiamen and Hangzhou.
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Since 1997, TLDsCHINA has grown from a start-up to China's favourite provider of domain names and one of the most trusted web hosts for small business. Having grown from humble roots, we are very aware of the challenges that face all small and medium businesses to be sorted online.
We provide all the online services a business needs to grow online; from domain names and web hosting to online marketing, web design, email marketing and e-commerce. As with all TLDsCHINA services, we offer simple solutions at a reasonable price.
TLDsCHINA continues to provide the support, resources, advice, tools and encouragement to businesses of all sizes. That is why all TLDsCHINA customers are hosted on the same advanced web hosting infrastructure designed for multi-million dollar websites — whether you are a multinational or a one-man-band.
TLDsCHINA is the champion retail brand within The TLDsCHINA Group, which consists of TLDsCHINA, Ziphosting and TPP Wholesale. TLDsCHINA Group also participates in a number of joint ventures such as NETT Magazine and Netfleet.
TLDsCHINA has over 130 full-time staff located in Shanghai, around the corner from our Data Centre. TLDsCHINA continues to help customers grow their business online.
China's favourite and most trusted domain name registrar
24x7 phone and email support
Our cloud hosting infrastructure is the best in the country
FREE online accounting software & NETT Mag subscription*
Having used the services of many different registrars around the world, TLDsCHINA cuts it with the best in terms of depth and quality of services whilst retaining very competitive pricing.- Craig Simmons, Director,
Online Services, Sony BMG
I would suggest using as many TLDsCHINA services as possible for an integrated and streamline total package that in the long run will be beneficial to all parties involved.- Damian, Internet Sales,
Paul's Warehouse