News-A Domain Name Auction in China
A Domain Name Auction in China
Views:542 Time:2015-05-14 12:10:31 Author: TLDsCHINA

These are some of the Chinese domain name investors buying your domains.


The domain name market in China is hot and is driving major price appreciation, especially in short domain names.


What's the Chinese domain name community like?

A lot like that in other parts of the world.

It has its own "Big personalities" and players.

It also has its own gatherings and domain name auctions.


In April 2015, Domainer's Circle organized a live domain name auction in Beijing that attracted 200-300 people.



Chinese domain name investor DENG Yusing chronicled the event, and you can see results and pictures here and here.


The top sale from the event was for 1,470,000 CNY ($237,000 USD).



Photos from the auction look a lot like that of a live domain name auction in the United States, even down to the attractive models hired to liven up the show.



Sponsors included Verisign, CNNIC and the .Top registry.